What we do

We build tools that support the creation of synthetic assets. We work with Tezos, a third-generation blockchain to leverage its smart contracts capability and the ecological advantages generated by its proof-of-stake protocol, unlike high-energy-consumption proof-of-work networks.

We are neither a creator, an issuer nor a distributor of financial instruments or synthetic assets, nor do we control or own DEFI platforms.

Synthetic asset tools

The platform provides the basic building blocks for the creation of synthetic assets. A first adaptation of such a tool is a set of smart contracts describing the creation of a stable token with a soft peg to a reference value.


Oracles need to be transparent, supported by reputable parties and flexible to support a platform with additional market data if needed. We are collaborating with a group of inspired services firms on a new oracle setup that can be used for synthetic assets.


Our vision is to grow a vibrant community that fosters a decentralised and self-governing platform based on open-source software enabling the creation of efficient and transparent synthetic assets.